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Section 42 FAQ

How do I make sure I'm getting all the information I need from the tenant?

TrackPro software prompts you for all the right questions you need to ask — no more guessing if all the information has been obtained.

How do I ensure I'm using the correct verification forms?

TrackPro makes sure you get all the right verification forms and information. Once you've entered the application into the program, TrackPro lets you know all the correct forms for that household.

How can I improve our tracking process?

With TrackPro, you can quickly and easily track the process of each file and determine if data is missing. You can see at a glance what forms you'll need to complete a file.

How can I make sure my income calculations are correct?

TrackPro has a handy income calculator that automatically totals the household income and compares it to the maximum allowable LIHTC income. You enter the data, and TrackPro does the calculations and completes the Tenant Income Certification.

How do I calculate raises and overtime correctly?

It's easy when you use TrackPro's income calculator. The program will prompt you for the necessary information, including when the next raise is due, the amount of the raise, bonuses, etc. Just press the "Calculate Income" button and the answer is there.

What's the best way to know when a recertification is due?

You can take the guesswork out of the recertification process with TrackPro. The program tracks lease dates, allowing you to print a notice that informs you when recertification is due — no more missed deadlines.

How do I monitor more than one property set-aside?

With TrackPro, you can set up specific requirement information in a background screen. When qualifying a household, TrackPro automatically compares the information to the requirements to determine eligibility.

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Section 42 FAQ

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